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Although N N-Dimethylglycine (DMG) has been on the health scene for over forty years, few physicians were aware of its wide range of benefits until recently.

Vetri-DMG Liquid This page contains information on Vetri-DMG Liquid for veterinary use. The information provided typically includes the following: Vetri-DMG Liquid Indications; Warnings and cautions for Vetri-DMG Liquid; Direction and dosage information for Vetri-DMG Liquid. DMG HCL may be converted to free-form DMG by neutralizing it with an oxide, typically silver oxide. Support of the immune system is one of the most common uses of a DMG HCL supplement. It may also support energy levels, weight management and healthy behavioral patterns. Dimethylglycine, also known as DMG, is a natural substance found in both plant and animal cells, and is derived from the amino acid glycine (see reference 1 under Clinical Summary para 1). What Is DMG Supplement? Livestrong.com.

First introduced in the 1970s, the supplement is now reaching the mainstream of natural medicine. The best way physicians can get to know and understand this product is by experiencing its benefits in their own practices, according to Roger Kendall, PhD, one of the world's leading authorities on DMG.

Dimethylglycine has a broad role as a vital 'anti-stress' nutrient in advancing optimal health and well-being. It helps the body respond to environmental, physical, mental, and emotional stressors affecting human health, while also supporting immune, cardiovascular, and brain functions.


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1. Enhancing Metabolic Function

Jerzy Meduski, MD, at the University of Southern California's School of Medicine in Los Angeles called DMG a metabolic enhancer. In his research, Meduski found DMG made cells function at a higher efficiency, a 'super-catalyst' that seems to boost the metabolic pathways.

When taken as a supplement, DMG aids in the production of metabolic intermediates – building blocks used to create hormones, key vitamins, and nucleic acids for DNA and RNA repair. DMG gives up its pieces metabolically in the process. In the words of Dr. Kendall, 'Dimethylglycine works by falling apart, so you don't have to.'

2. Supporting the Body under Stress

DMG helps the body adapt to environmental, physical, mental, or emotional stressors. When the body continues to produce stress hormones over an extended period of time, nutrient stores can become depleted. Fatigue sets in. Living under constant stress can lead to degeneration, disease, and impaired immune and digestive function. DMG supports the body under stressful conditions by improving immune response, enhancing energy, and supporting mental alertness.

3. Finding Balance

DMG is an adaptogen – a natural substance helping the body's systems establish balance and homeostasis. Men in black 2graffiti movies & documentaries. In addition to helping the body regulate and manage stress, it improves efficiency in how cells function, whether they're in the brain, heart, kidneys, or liver. Kendall's studies show DMG can positively impact just about all the different organ systems and metabolic pathways in the body involved in his research.

4. Enhancing Energy Levels

DMG is valuable in sports medicine practices for athletes and patients seeking greater endurance because it improves muscle recovery after strenuous activity. The supplement supports lung function and oxygen exchange, reducing fatigue and increasing energy. It also encourages efficient energy production and drives cellular reactions, so the body works more effectively.

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5. Managing Cardiovascular and Heart Health

DMG aids in reducing homocysteine levels, a risk factor in cardiovascular disease. It also has an impact on normalizing cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Additionally, it protects the body against hypertension and high blood pressure while improving circulation.

6. Boosting Brain Function

DMG supports the body's production of creatine and phosphocreatine, which fuel energy within the brain and curb mental fatigue. Because the supplement can cross the blood-brain barrier, it helps maximize brain function, bolster brain acuity, and improve mental focus.

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Studies also show benefits for people with autism. Kendall's work with Bernard Rimland, PhD at the Autism Research Institute led to positive reports of improved communication, eye contact, sleep patterns, immune function, and general social interactions.

7. Bolstering Immune Function

DMG holds special interest for patients with immune deficiencies. This tremendous resistance builder enhances the body's natural protection against bacterial, fungal, and viral diseases.

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DMG supports immune function by contributing to methylation, a process by which methyl groups, each composed of one carbon atom and three hydrogen atoms, are transferred from one substance to another. These groups are essential to cell functions throughout the body. In the immune system, methylation is important in the production of antibodies and cytokine components.1

Integrating DMG into Your Practice

Kendall suggests physicians integrate DMG in their practices by recommending it to the patients most likely to experience benefits – such as older patients, who enjoyed improved metabolism and energy in his research – and by asking them to track their results. Doctors can offer DMG to patients suffering from brain dysfunction, cardiovascular issues, immune system deficiency, or a need to detoxify.

Patients often want to continue use after experiencing the health benefits, like feeling more energized. Mpeg-2 decoder. It's really just a matter of tracking the results for each patient once they try it.

Kendall recommends getting started by selecting ten patients with varied conditions and putting them on a regular program, as described in his book, Building Wellness with DMG, co-authored with Adena Therrien. The book provides guidance for physicians using DMG in their practices, including specific dosage recommendations. It also serves as a well-documented reference for lay people and physicians who want to know more about the supplement in general.

The Future of DMG

With the number of Americans age 65 and older estimated to grow to over 98 million by 2060, DMG will become increasingly important to sustaining mental and physical performance and helping the body overcome degenerative conditions.

As the body begins to wear down over time, Kendall says the key is to live longer well, rather than live longer poorly. DMG can be thought of as anti-aging in that it allows the body to function at higher efficiency for longer periods of time. This will become critical as people delay retirement and work later into life.

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We also just experienced one of the roughest flu seasons in recent memory, and as new strains of the virus develop, a stronger immune system will be more important than ever.

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While not technically a vitamin, DMG is the nutrient behind what was formerly known as Vitamin B-15. Taken every day, it can raise efficiency and metabolic function to a higher caliber. It optimizes physical and mental performance, protects against disease, enhances heart function, and supports mental function.

In other words, it's essential for building optimum wellness and vitality.

You can download this information at http://bit.ly/2UYAImW.